I had my breakfast and decided to go on an adventure. I hopped in a private charter taxi and headed to the deep west side of Negril.
I was going to chill a while at the Westender Inn. The drive was nice, like a mini tour of the west coast.
You can see fields spread out and nice views of the back country.
We arrived in a little, i told the driver i will see him later. He offered me his cell phone number in case i needed a ride back to the beach.
I looked around and headed to the dining area and pulled up at the bar.
My god this would be the best place in the world to have a nice private party or wedding or something! This place is grand.
Music, something about music just sets the mood and relaxes/excites me. Funny, only in jamaica can I be relaxed and excited at the same time. Its wonderful!
There was a mixture of smooth jazz and light reggae going on.
Heaven, I'm in heaven, and my heart beats so, that i can hardly speak, and I seem to find the happiness i seek, when we're out together dancing cheek to cheek!
I ordered a ting and vodka on the rocks and just took a deep breath and relaxed. After a while the bartender asked me was i ready for another one. "you darn tootin I am".
So peaceful and relaxing the Westender is, compared to the beach and the other part of the westend.
This place has scenery, something cool to gaze upon and dream.
After a while I felt like walking, so i crossed the quiet little road to the cliff side of the Westender Inn and chilled out on the rocks.
It is set up really sweet on the Cliff side at the Westender Inn and the waves were hitting the cliffs in a soft kind of way. Not too loud at all. Just enough that you know they are there.
After 15-20 minutes of just sitting and watching the water, i headed back to the bar area.
Soon a couple, that was staying there sauntered up to the bar and we all said hello.
They were staying long term in Negril.
A fruit man was supposed to be coming to the Westender Inn about Noon.
After a couple of drinks this pick-up truck pulls up and it is loaded with the freshest fruit and vegetables you have ever seen. There was still soil attached to some of the roots.
The couple i was chatting with stood up and walked over to the paring area and started "grocery shopping" for the up coming week.
A man and his wife got out of the truck and i watched him weigh the food on a portable scale and bagged up the veggies and fruit. All kinds of stuff, green, red, purple, yellow vegetables. It made me wish i had a room with a kitchen.
I felt lucky to be there and bought a few items myself.
The honey bananas were so cool and small, i should have bought a dozen.
After a while a Taxi driver pulled in and started asking if i had ordered a taxi. I said no, but i would soon be leaving.
He was a little upset and got on his cell phone, made a call and found out someone had given him the wrong hotel name.
I finished my drink, said my good byes and jumped in the taxi.
Soon we were cruising down the road, i was feeling no pain.