The Llantrissant Beach Villa is a very unique beach front villa which, though its located right in the heart of Negril well within walking distance of downtown, provides great privacy for its guests!

It is an ideal place for a tropical wedding or a get-together of old friends or for intimate meetings with a few special business associates and their wives.

Llantrissant is a one big house villa within which up to 12 people may stay. It is located right on Negril's small northern ocean front but it looks out upon the entirety of its famous 7 - mile beach front across Long Bay. The property has 2 of its own private beaches where swimsuits are optional.

Llantrissant is a very comfortable place for all with its 2 nice, airy verandas facing its 2 beaches.

It also has clay tennis courts on the grounds so it makes for a great place for tennis buffs to stay in Negril while keeping at their game.

Llantrissant's property is centrally located exactly where Negril's beach ends and its cliff geography begins as shown in the photo below.

This resort's central location within Negril positions its guests for quick and easy walking or taxi access to any of its beach and cliff nightlife.
The Llantrissant Beach Villa is one of Negril's little known places that has not let itself become so commercial as to lose its "real" Negril flavor, as have so many of the area's resorts. It's the owners' intention to always keep it just as Negril once was so that people may still experience that ambiance which is now nearly gone.