Friends of Jamaica, an IRS recognized non-profit organization, was founded by Wayne and Debbie Pearce in California in 2000. In 2004, FOJ moved to Illinois under a new director, Marcia Burke.
Wayne and Marcia both developed a love of Jamaica and its people after years of traveling in Jamaica. Under Wayne’s leadership, FOJ made several grants to rebuild or repair schools, provide scholarships at the University of the West Indies, protect coral reef ecosystems, and provide support for other important community projects.
Before becoming the new director, Marcia established a program for medical education on the Western end of the island.
Our Mission
As FOJ moves forward, our main mission is to help the children of Jamaica by supporting their health, education, and well being. The incidence of poverty in Jamaica is declining. However, almost one of every two Jamaicans who live in poverty is a child while only 37 percent of Jamaicans are children. (Source: UNICEF)Please go to their FOJ website for more detailed information on all of their wonderful efforts on the Jamaican children's behalf.