I'm going to make a short post about Niah's Patties, the only eatery located in Waves Park about 2 miles from downtown Negril, between the road and the beach. This is a place where you can get a very different kind of Jamaica patty than most other places offer. Niah's Patties are quite thick and really full of any of a variety of contents which you can select, including lobster! The patties are quickly fried up in a pan of very hot oil so they take a while to cool down enough to eat. Each patty is enough for anyone desiring a light lunch. Two of these big patties will probably fill up the biggest eater.
And Boy Oh Boy, are they great! Once you've had one of these, you'll come back again and again for more, that's for sure. In fact, this will probably become the first and last place you'll eat at on all of your trips to Negril.
Mr. Niah is a very interesting fellow. Many times he's not in a very good mood. He just seems to be one of those sour kind of people that we occasionally encounter in life. He is a hard line Rastafarian and he is very devoted to his beliefs. So do not take any pictures of him because he will insist that you destroy them since they go against his beliefs. When I met him he told me to not write anything about him on the internet because he wants to maintain a simple kind of life and he doesn't need a lot of publicity.
Normally, I would honor such a request because I too am a private person and I respect this desire on his part. But his patties are so darned great that I just had to tell you all about them so that when you go to Negril you will try them too. But please don't mention that I wrote this post about him because I saw him going off on one of his neighbors for about a half an hour and I wouldn't want him to do that to me, that's for sure!
14 years ago